Welcome to Akron Tri Club
Akron Tri is the University of Akron's first and only organized triathlon club. Akron Tri practices include competitive and beginner running, cycling, swimming, and triathlons.
Whether you are looking to compete in USA Triathlon’s club nationals in the spring or just want a way to meet people and get in shape, this club is for you!


What we expect
Attend at least one practice a week or log on Strava
Attend at least two fundraising events
Pay $60 membership fee* ($30 for non-active) *What’s included in our membership fee -Discounted or free races and housing for events -Exclusive access times to ONAT and Cycling Studio -Triathlon clinics -Team uniform at reduced cost
Blimp City Bike & Hike: http://blimpcitybikeandhike.com/
Vertical Runner: https://verticalrunner.com/
Infinit Nutritition: http://infn.us/a/VeXWZSMf
Rocket Science Sports: https://www.rocketsciencesports.com/

Contact Us
The University of Akron, OH 44308
Email: uakrontri@gmail.com